How it Began

As a Tesla owner and shareholder, I love the idea of creating things that get the community excited about their Tesla’s. This all started, after going on a long road trip with my Model 3. I realized there was no way to mount an iPad in your Tesla Model 3 or Model Y. I searched Amazon, and it was full of generic garbage, with suction cup mounts that were cumbersome and didn’t work at all for the bigger iPads. That’s when it sparked my idea to create the perfect custom fitted iPad mount for the Model Y and Model 3, and so the S3XY iPad Mount was born!

I worked tirelessly for months, developing, testing, prototyping, then more testing, 8 hour road trips, more prototyping, more testing, rinse, repeat, to bring something I knew was worthy of every Tesla owners Model 3/Y. Something I knew would last, would be of superior quality, and something I hope you will all love having as much I loved making and now using too. I’m so happy to be part of this community and getting your feedback over the past few months to make this not only the best damn Tesla iPad mount in the world. But the ONLY iPad mount designed specifically for the Tesla Model 3 and Model Y. It was a labor of love developing this but, I hope that this will be the first of many Tesla accessories to come.

El Presidente and Designer

Frank Gugliuzzi

Twitter @whatsupfranks